Fig. 3.
Performance of high-throughput pool testing for SARS-CoV-2 detection. A: Pool testing started on April 9, 2020. The number of pooled samples per day and the percentage of reduced PCR-tests compared to individual testing (blue line) are displayed. B: The number of samples tested in pools and C: The number of pools tested during a period of 44 weeks are shown. D: Correlation of Ct-values of n = 128 positive pools and the respective individual positive sample. Correlation was performed only if a pool and the respective positive individual sample was analyzed with the same assay. E: Violin plot of adjusted Ct-values (Cta) of n = 175 individual positive samples detected in pools. The reduced number of data points is due to a software problem, so that some data could not be retrieved. Dotted lines represent quartiles and the dashed line the median.