TABLE 1. Vaccination coverage,* by vaccine and World Health Organization region — worldwide, 2020.
Vaccine | No. (%) of countries with vaccine in schedule | WHO region
% coverage† |
Global | AFR | AMR | EMR | EUR | SEAR | WPR | ||
156 (80) |
85 |
79 |
68 |
89 |
94 |
87 |
95 |
DTP1 |
194 (100) |
87 |
79 |
88 |
87 |
97 |
88 |
96 |
DTP3 |
194 (100) |
83 |
72 |
82 |
81 |
94 |
85 |
95 |
HepB BD |
114 (58) |
42 |
6 |
60 |
35 |
41 |
51 |
84 |
HepB3 |
190 (98) |
83 |
72 |
82 |
81 |
91 |
85 |
95 |
Hib3 |
192 (99) |
70 |
72 |
81 |
81 |
79 |
83 |
25 |
HPV, last§ |
111 (57) |
13 |
18 |
44 |
0 |
29 |
3 |
5 |
MCV1 |
194 (100) |
84 |
68 |
85 |
83 |
94 |
88 |
95 |
MCV2 |
179 (92) |
70 |
36 |
73 |
76 |
91 |
78 |
94 |
PCV3 |
148 (76) |
49 |
68 |
76 |
52 |
79 |
27 |
16 |
Pol3 |
194 (100) |
83 |
71 |
81 |
84 |
94 |
85 |
94 |
RCV1 |
173 (89) |
70 |
36 |
85 |
45 |
94 |
87 |
95 |
Rota, last¶ | 114 (52) | 46 | 53 | 71 | 53 | 30 | 58 | 2 |
Abbreviations: AFR = African Region; AMR = Region of the Americas; BCG = Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine; DTP3 = third dose of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis-containing vaccine; EMR = Eastern Mediterranean Region; EUR = European Region; HepB BD = birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine; HepB3 = third dose of hepatitis B vaccine; Hib3 = third dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine; HPV, last = final dose of human papillomavirus vaccine; MCV1 = first dose of measles-containing vaccine; MCV2 = second dose of MCV; PCV3 = third dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; Pol3 = third dose of polio vaccine; RCV1 = first dose of rubella-containing vaccine; Rota, last = final dose of rotavirus vaccine series; SEAR = South-East Asia Region; WHO = World Health Organization; WPR = Western Pacific Region.
* Summary tables of WHO recommendations for routine immunization.
† BCG coverage based on 156 countries with BCG in the national schedule; coverage for all other vaccines based on 194 countries (global) or all countries in the specified region. Administrative coverage is the number of vaccine doses administered to those in a specified target group divided by the estimated target population. During vaccination coverage surveys, a representative sample of households is visited and caregivers of children in a specified target group (e.g., those aged 12–23 months) are interviewed. Dates of vaccination are transcribed from the child's home-based record or from health facility records or are recorded based on caregiver recall. Survey-based vaccination coverage is calculated as the proportion of persons in a target age group who received a vaccine dose.
§ Number of doses to complete the HPV series depends on age of recipient.
¶ Number of doses to complete the rotavirus vaccine series varies among vaccine products.