Table 1. Association of catechol-O-methyltransferase genotype polymorphism with psychiatric disorders.
COMT: catechol-O-methyltransferase; IL-10: Interleukin-10; DRD2: dopamine receptor D2; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; G allele: guanine allele; Met: Methionine; Val: Valine; SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism; ANKK1-DRD2: Ankyrin Repeat and Kinase Domain Containing 1 - Dopamine Receptor D2 complex; ELA: early life adversity; METH: methamphetamine
Author | Year of publication | Type of study | No. of subjects | Purpose of study | Results /conclusion |
Wang J et al. [15] | 2021 | Observational | 640 | To assess the effect of interaction between COMT and IL-10 genotype polymorphisms on cognition in chronic schizophrenics. | COMT genotype polymorphism has an effect on language and schizophrenia. Interactive effects of genotypes of COMT and IL-10 were significant in schizophrenia patients. |
Punchaichira TJ et al. [16] | 2020 | Observational | 1677 | To study the effect of rs1076560 (DRD2) and rs4680 (COMT) on tardive dyskinesia and cognition in schizophrenia patients. | COMT rs4680 variant was associated with tardive dyskinesia. Smokers with this variant had an increased risk of tardive dyskinesia. This variant had a positive association with emotional efficiency in schizophrenia patients. |
Bosia M et al. [17] | 2019 | Observational | 135 | To study the effect of interaction between cannabis use and COMT genotype variants in schizophrenia patients. | Met carriers performed better on cognitive tasks – processing speed and verbal fluency. |
Kang Y et al. [18] | 2019 | Observational | 108 | To assess how COMT contributes genetically to DLPFC changes in first-episode schizophrenia. | The interactive effect between significant disease and COMT was seen in the left DLPFC. Resting-state functional connectivity was associated with affective blunting in Val/Val genotype. |
Deji C et al. [19] | 2021 | Observational | 801 | To study the association of COMT and Alpha-1-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms with multiple phenotypes of heroin use disorder. | The subjects having the G allele of rs769224 COMT variant were prone to consuming higher dosages of heroin every day. |
Jones JD et al. [20] | 2019 | Observational | 36 | To assess the contribution of opioid- and dopamine-related genetic polymorphisms to the abuse liability of oxycodone. | The "stimulated" effects of oxycodone were seen in COMT rs4680 variant. |
Hooten WM et al. [21] | 2019 | Observational | 298 | To assess the effect of COMT gene variants on the likelihood of opioid use and the dose of the opioid in adults suffering from chronic pain. | Individuals with the Met/Met variant were more likely to use opioids than those with Val/Met variant. The dosage of opioids used was higher among the Val/Met and Met/Met genotypes than the Val/Val genotype. |
Hooten WM et al. [22] | 2019 | Observational | 142 | To assess the effect of COMT rs4680 SNP on hyperalgesia induced by opioids in adults with chronic pain receiving opioid therapy. | Adults with Val/Met variant were found to be more hyperalgesic compared to Val/Val and Met/Met variants. |
Kaminskaite M et al. [23] | 2021 | Observational | 329 | To assess the effect of ANKK1-DRD2 and COMT SNP on the risk of alcohol abuse. | Having both genetic polymorphisms of COMT and ANKK1-DRD2 was associated with an elevated risk of hazardous use of alcohol. |
Lovallo WR et al. [24] | 2019 | Observational | 480 | To assess the likelihood of alcohol and drug use in people who experienced ELA in the presence of a COMT genotype. | People with Val/Met or Met/Met variant of COMT who had exposure to ELA were more vulnerable to risky drinking behavior. |
Saloner R et al. [25] | 2020 | Observational | 122 | To assess how the different COMT genotypes alter the effects of methamphetamine dependence on executive function. | Lower dopamine levels were found in Met/Met METH+ men with a worse performance of EF. |
Cherner M et al. [26] | 2019 | Observational | 149 | To determine the effect of COMT genotype in methamphetamine-related executive dysfunction. | In people with methamphetamine dependence having the Val allele, executive function is protected. |