Life expectancy in 6791 MSOAs, 2002–19
(A) Ranked MSOA life expectancies in 2002 and 2019. Each point shows the posterior median life expectancy estimate for each MSOA, forming a curve; error bars are 95% credible intervals. Arrows indicate national life expectancies in England and selected comparator countries with life expectancies within the range of English MSOAs. Hong Kong had the highest global female and male life expectancies. In the EU, Bulgaria had the lowest and Spain had the highest life expectancies for women; Latvia had the lowest and Switzerland had the highest life expectancies for men. Life expectancy for England was calculated from the the UK Small Area Health Statistics Unit research database, and for other countries from World Bank estimates in 2019. (B) Distribution of MSOA life expectancies in each year from 2002 to 2019. Each point shows one MSOA and the upper and lower lines show the first and 99th percentiles of life expectancy. The height of the shaded area is the first to 99th percentile range. The central line shows national life expectancy. MSOA=middle-layer super output area.