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. 2021 Oct 14;23(10):e30243. doi: 10.2196/30243

Table 1.

Participant characteristics (N=525).

Characteristics Value
Age (years), mean (SD; range) 56.8 (18.6; 18-94)
Sex, n (%)

Female 320 (61)

Male 203 (38.7)
Education, n (%)

Less than secondary school 94 (17.9)

Completed secondary school 106 (20.2)

Certificate or diploma 141 (26.9)

Completed university or higher 175 (33.3)
Spoke English at home, n (%) 363 (69.1)
Ownership of digital device (a person may have more than one device), n (%)

Computer or laptop 372 (71.2)

Mobile phone or smartphone 459 (87.4)

Tablet 241 (45.9)

Other 6 (1.1)
Average number of digital devices owned, mean (SD; range) 2.1 (0.9; 0-4)
Use of digital communication platform (a person may use more than one platform), n (%)

Email 394 (75)

Text message 398 (75.8)

Facebook 266 (50.7)

Twitter 30 (5.7)

Instagram 104 (19.8)

Snapchat 51 (9.7)

WhatsApp or WeChat 112 (21.3)

Blogging 15 (2.9)

Forum or chat room 26 (5)

Other 9 (1.7)
Average number of digital platforms used, mean (SD; range) 2.7 (1.8; 0-10)
Looked for web-based information in the last 3 months, n (%) 392 (74.4)
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure