Patient phenotypes from our needs assessment. Four distinct patient phenotypes emerged from our needs assessment. A total of 34 (68%) were interested in completing a home telehealth visit. The Interested and Capable phenotype included 24 (48%) older patients who were interested in completing a home telehealth visit, had access to internet and a device, and felt confident that they could participate. The Interested and Incapable phenotype included 10 (20%) patients who were interested in completing a home telehealth visit but lacked the technology or confidence to do so. The Uninterested and Capable phenotype included 8 (16%) patients who were not interested in completing a home telehealth visit but had the technology and the confidence. We targeted these 42 (84%) patients for our home telehealth pilot. We did not target the 8 (16%) patients who were Uninterested and Incapable. Starting in March 2020, we offered the choice between a home telehealth or telephone visit for all patients with scheduled visits in the clinic, in line with the state’s stay-at-home advisory: 66 patients were scheduled for a visit during that time period. We contacted the 54 (82%) patients whose visits were considered clinically urgent by geriatrics-renal personnel to schedule a home telehealth or telephone visit. We reached 48 (89%) of these: 25 chose a telephone visit, and 23 chose a home telehealth visit. The phenotypes of the 23 patients who chose home telehealth were: Interested and Capable, 14 (61%); and Interested and Incapable, 9 (39%).