Fig. 7.
A higher proportion of metacyclic-like forms was found for the failure isolate and in vitro-selected resistant strain maintained with Sb(III). A graph of the body area (L × W) versus the flagellum-to-body length ratio (F/L) is presented, where a black circles represent predicted procyclic promastigotes, and red triangles represent predicted metacyclic-like promastigotes. The percentage of predicted metacyclic-like parasites for each isolate is shown (b). The IOC-L numbers of each isolate are indicated in the figure. The control (IOC-L2335C) is shown in white. The failure-derived sample (IOC-L2371F) is displayed in light gray. The resistant isolate selected in vitro (IOC-L2335R) is presented in dark gray in the absence of Sb(III) and in black when the media contained 8 μM Sb(III). Three biological replicates were assayed. The means and standard deviation among them are plotted. ANOVA was used, followed by Tukey’s HSD post hoc test. *P < 0.05