Figure 4.
PPARδ activation upon Salmonella infection is mediated by KDM6B demethylase activity: PPARδ expression at RNA [A], and protein level [B] upon 18h p.i. in RAW264.7 macrophages and BMDMs.[C] % input enrichment of H3K27me3/H3 at PPARδ promoter upon 7 h p.i. using ChIP. Immunoblots indicating PPARδ protein expression at 18 hp.i. of Salmonella and treatment with GSKJ4 (30 µM) [D] or treatment with KDM6B siRNA [E]. [F] Immunoblot indicating PPARδ expression upon KDM6B wild type (KDM6B WT), KDM6B catalytic mutant (KDM6B MUT) upregulation in RAW264.7 cells. [G] Immunoblot showing PPARδ expression analysis post18h treatment with SL, LPS, HKS, and SPI1 or SPI2 mutant of Salmonella (Actin, Tubulin and Gapdh were used as loading control). Statistical significance was analyzed using unpaired student t-test. (‘***’p-value <.001, ‘*’ p-value <.05, ns- not significant)