Figure 5.
Absence of Tral alters P body morphology in the mature oocyte
(A) Comparison of fraction disorder in known Drosophila P body proteins (left) compared with whole Drosophila proteome (right). The average fraction disorder of the 17 proteins (Table S1) associated with the P body is over 99.9% more disordered than any possible random sized-matched set of proteins taken from the D. melanogaster proteome.
(B) Schematic of Tral domain architecture containing a structured LSM domain followed by a long stretches of highly disordered regions.
(C and D) Mature oocyte expressing GFP::Tral.
(C) Tral localizes to P body condensates with diverse morphologies and sizes, distributed throughout the oocyte cytoplasm (n = 20). Maximum projection 7 μm.
(D) Time series of FRAP experiments on GFP::Tral condensates before and after treatment with 1,6-HD (n = 13).
(E) Mature oocytes expressing Me31B::GFP (wild-type control) displaying close to spherical P body condensates. In the absence of Tral (Tral mutant), Me31B forms aberrant rod and donut-shaped P body condensates. Panel on right is a 3-D projection merge of a single donut (∼2.5 μm) and rod (∼1 μm) showing that they are distinct shapes (n = 20 mature oocytes). Maximum projection 5 μm.
Scale bar, 5 μm (C), 1.5 μm (D), 3 μm (E).