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. 2021 Oct 29;16(10):e0258638. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258638

Table 2. Disease characteristics.

Characteristic Females (N = 1190) Males (N = 934) P-value
Sickle cell genotype, N (%)
 Hb SS 805 (67.7) 642 (68.7) 0.4
 Hb SC 255 (21.4) 194 (20.8)
 Hb S beta+ thalassemia 75 (6.3) 45 (4.8)
 Hb S beta0 thalassemia 40 (3.4) 43 (4.6)
 Other variants 14 (1.2) 10 (1.1)
Hydroxyurea use, N (%)
 Currently using 519 (44.6) 511 (55.4) <0.0001
Opioid Use, N (%)
 Currently using opioids 957 (80.4) 737 (78.9) 0.4
Number of vaso-occlusive episodes in the past year, N (%)
 0 140 (11.8) 139 (15.0) 0.01
 1 109 (9.2) 109 (11.7)
 2 151 (12.7) 134 (14.4)
 3 196 (16.5) 147 (15.8)
 4 or more 590 (49.7) 400 (43.1)
Time since most recent vaso-occlusive episode, N (%)
 Currently having one 150 (12.6) 108 (11.6) 0.1
 <1 week ago 204 (17.2) 127 (13.6)
 1–3 weeks ago 255 (21.5) 189 (20.3)
 1–6 months ago 319 (26.9) 257 (27.6)
 7–11 months ago 73 (6.2) 63 (6.8)
 1–5 years ago 119 (10.0) 120 (12.9)
 5+ years ago 47 (4.0) 46 (4.9)
 Never had a pain attack 19 (1.6) 21(2.3)
ASCQ-Me Pain Episode frequency T-score, mean (SD) 49.2 (11.1) 47.4 (11.7) 0.0002
ASCQ-Me Pain Episode severity T-score, mean (SD) 51.6 (9.6) 49.3(10) <0.001
Prior History of Blood Transfusion, N (%) 1195 (64.0) 672 (65.4) 0.2
Number of hospital admissions in the past year, N (%)
0 344 (35.0) 318 (41.6) 0.03
1 215 (21.9) 172 (22.5)
2 120 (12.2) 80 (10.5)
3 84 (8.6) 50 (6.5)
4+ 219 (22.3) 145 (19.0)
Specialists involved in care, N (%)
PCP only 26 (2.2) 8 (0.9) 0.049
Hematologist only 700 (59.4) 579 (62.9)
Co-management (PCP & Hematologist) 442 (37.5) 329 (35.7)
Other 10 (0.8) 5 (0.5)
Sickle cell disease related complications, N (%)
 Acute chest syndrome 658 (55.4) 581 (62.3) 0.001
 Asthma 319 (26.9) 253 (27.1) 0.9
 Digestivea 729 (61.3) 544 (58.4) 0.1
 Musculoskeletalb 351 (29.5) 332 (35.6) 0.003
 Autoimmune/Inflammatoryc 228 (19.6) 141 (15.5) 0.01
 Central nervous systemd 200 (16.8) 162 (17.3) 0.7
 Genitourinarye 84 (7.1) 304 (32.6) <0.001
 Cardiovascularf 138 (11.6) 160 (17.1) 0.0003
 Multi-organ failure 62 (5.2) 49 (5.2) 0.9
 Pneumococcal sepsis 40 (3.4) 47 (5.0) 0.06
 Skin ulcers 33 (2.8) 54 (5.8) 0.0005
 Retinopathy 165 (13.9) 145 (15.5) 0.3
 Diabetes mellitus 28 (2.4) 20 (2.1) 0.7
 Iron overload 308 (25.9) 226 (24.2) 0.4
 Chronic refractory pain 263 (22.1) 184 (19.7) 0.2
 Anxiety 174 (14.6) 104 (11.1) 0.02
 Depression 259 (21.8) 154 (16.5) 0.002
 Cancer 4 (0.3) 4 (0.4) 0.7

Missing values were not included in the comparison. The p-values reported represent strength of associations between variables.

aDigestive complications: splenomegaly, splenic sequestration, splenic infarcts, hypersplenism, autosplenectomy, gallstones and cholecystitis.

bMusculoskeletal complications: dactylitis, avascular necrosis and osteomyelitis.

cAutoimmune/Inflammatory complications: deep venous thrombosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and sarcoidosis.

dCentral nervous system complications: stroke and intracranial bleeding.

eGenitourinary complications: priapism, chronic kidney disease and end stage renal failure.

fCardiovascular complications: pulmonary arterial hypertension and left ventricular dysfunction.