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. 2020 Aug 10;23(18):3324–3331. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020001688

Table 4.

Ordered logit estimates for propensity to respond incorrectly (stating that both options were equally healthy or the whole grain (WG) labelled option was healthier) when comparing hypothetical product pairs for which the unlabelled option was healthier*

Cereal Crackers Bread
Explanatory variables Coefficient se Coefficient se Coefficient se
Label variation 1§ (Comparison) (Comparison) (Comparison)
Label variation 2 0·135 0·173 0·022 0·161 0·008 0·152
Label variation 3 –0·102 0·179 –0·351 0·170 0·087 0·153
‘Difficult to determine’ which products contain WG
 Strong disagreement (Comparison) (Comparison) (Comparison)
 Some disagreement –0·603 0·266 –0·297 0·246 –0·021 0·221
 Neither 0·321 0·242 0·210 0·235 0·457 0·218
 Some agreement 0·310 0·247 0·256 0·239 0·268 0·221
 Strong agreement 0·936 0·275 0·963 0·267 0·687 0·254
18–24-year-olds (Comparison) (Comparison) (Comparison)
25–34-year-olds 0·442 0·264 0·513 0·259 0·105 0·244
35–44-year-olds 0·355 0·264 0·339 0·259 –0·013 0·242
45–54-year-olds –0·153 0·278 –0·228 0·270 –0·479 0·249
55–64-year-olds –0·411 0·296 –0·122 0·276 –0·511 0·258
Age 65 or more –0·449 0·298 –0·815 0·303 –0·715 0·261
Black/African American (Comparison) (Comparison) (Comparison)
Asian/Pacific Islander and other 0·164 0·271 –0·339 0·277 –0·009 0·256
White/Caucasian –0·368 0·193 –0·430 0·185 –0·598 0·181
College degree (Comparison) (Comparison) (Comparison)
Graduate/professional degree 0·088 0·233 0·110 0·224 0·342 0·205
HS or less 0·496 0·181 0·421 0·178 0·739 0·164
Some college 0·169 0·191 0·214 0·184 0·367 0·171
Cut point 1 (equal v. unlabelled) 0·929 0·364 0·550 0·351 0·061 0·335
Cut point 2 (labelled v. equal) 2·273 0·372 2·036 0·359 1·045 0·336
Obs 1015 1008 1013

Outcome variable coded 1 (unlabelled), 2 (equally healthy) and 3 (WG labelled).

For simple comparisons across the three label variations, a reduced model without the ‘difficult to determine’ question is presented in online supplementary material, Supplemental Table 3. An extended model is presented in online supplementary material, Supplemental Table 4 (the additional variables were statistically insignificant for all three product categories).

Coefficient shows effect of each explanatory variable on the log-odds of having the next higher value of the outcome variable (i.e. choosing equally healthy over unlabelled).


WG label variations for the cereal and cracker categories: (1) ‘made with whole grains,’ (2) ‘multigrain,’ and (3) a WG stamp; and for the bread category: (1) ‘multigrain,’ (2) ‘wheat’ and (3) a WG stamp.