Two regimes of dFC. A, Given two nodes n and m the edge CA signal Enm(t) (orange box) is defined as the product of the z-scored BOLD signal Bn(t) and Bm(t). Averaging the BOLD-CA matrix over time we obtain the Pearson correlation across each pair of brain regions n and m (in black box, right), defining the static FC. Each column of the BOLD-CA matrix represents an istantaneous realization of the FC (iFC). B, The elements (ti, tj) of the dFCe matrix are defined as the Pearson correlation between iFC(ti) and iFC(tj). Note in panel A the presence of transient bouts of strong BOLD-CA (e.g., in the blue boxes). During these events, the iFC remains relatively correlated for few consecutive time points, which gives rise to diagonal (yellow) blocks in the dFCe matrix. The same CA burst (e.g., at ti) can re-occur in time after long periods of time (e.g., at tj), which gives rise to an off-diagonal dFCe block (e.g., at the crossing of the dashed lines in panel B).