Fig. 3. Comparison of designed repeats from tcTRP9 and tcTRP24.
Repeats from tcTRP9 and tcTRP24 are shown with darker shades and lighter shades, respectively. a Alignment of the sequences of an individual repeats from each of the two designs. Both designs are based on a 57-residue sequence that forms an anti-parallel two-helix bundle. The overall sequence identity (noted by asterisks) is 37%; sequence similarity (including D/E, N/Q, K/R, and I/V pairs) is 53%. Many of the identities between designs are observed at less-constrained surface-exposed positions, but also are found at interfacial positions that contribute to packing between helices and repeats. b Superposition of individual repeats from tcTRP9 and tcTRP24 gives an overall rmsd across all alpha carbons of approximately 1.5 Å, indicating that the backbone architecture of individual repeats from the two designs is similar. c, d Superposition of a single repeat from tcTRP9 and tcTRP24 (dark and light blue, respectively) and extension to the neighboring immediate downstream repeat (dark and light red, respectively) illustrates that the curvature and diameters between the two constructs are facilitated by altered packing angles between sequential repeats (resulting in an alpha-carbon rmsd value between the downstream repeats of over 4 Å).