TGMS assembly and release of TA. (A) Schematic illustrating fabrication and application of TGMS in inflammation. (B) Effect of matrix mellatoproteinase 9 (MMP-9) on cumulative release of TA. (C) Effect of synovial fluid from arthritic joints (SF-RA) on cumulative release of TA. Data in Figures 3B and 3C reprinted from N. Joshi, J. Yan, S. Levy, S. Bhagchandani, K.V. Slaughter, N.E. Sherman, J. Amirault, Y. Wang, L. Riegel, X. He, T.S. Rui, M. Valic, P.K. Vemula, O.R. Miranda, O. Levy, E.M. Gravallese, A.O. Aliprantis, J. Ermann, J.M. Karp, Towards an arthritis flare-responsive drug delivery system, Nat Commun. 9 (2018) 1275. Creative Commons license No changes were made to the material.