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. 2021 Oct 30;298:209–216. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.128

Table 3.

Linear regression model: sociodemographic characteristics, IES-R, GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores as predictive variables associated to WSAS scores in the total sample (N = 514).

Predictive factors b (S.E.) β CI95% Zero-order correlation Semi-Partial correlation p
Gender (ref. Male)
Female .201 (0.750) .010 -1.27–1.675 -0.028 .009 .789
Age (ref. ≤35 years)
Age >35 years .084 (0.716) .004 -1.323–1.490 .018 .004 .907
Work setting (ref. EDs)
ICUs -2.259 (1449) -0.095 -5.107–0.588 -0.115 -0.051 .120
Medical/Surgical Units -0.291 (1321) -0.013 -2.887–2.305 .049 -0.007 .826
Professional role (ref. Nurses)
Physicians -0.434 (0.779) -0.020 -1.964–1.096 -0.026 -0.018 .578
Other HCWs -0.880 (1.021) -0.032 -2.885–1.126 -0.072 -0.028 .389
Level of exposure (ref. High)
Region at medium level of exposure -1.178 (1226) -0.049 -3.586–1.231 .072 -0.045 .337
Region at low level of exposure -0.983 (1078) -0.047 -3.102–1.137 -0.189 -0.030 .363
IES-R .111 (0.026) .214 .060–0.161 .599 .142 <0.001
GAD-7 .283 (0.126) .149 .035–0.530 .639 .074 .025
PHQ-9 .790 (0.131) .390 .524–1.039 .677 .197 <0.001
K 5.118 (2.233) .730–9.506 .022

r2: 0.505 r2 corrected: 0.493.