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. 2021 Aug 2;126(11):1434–1450. doi: 10.1007/s11547-021-01392-2

Table 1.

Reviewed studies in subjects with cancer predisposition syndromes

Authors Study characteristics Core protocol
Year No. of subjects Study population Country Magnet strength Average scanning time (min) Contrast adm T1 W sequence T1 W axial T1 W coronal T2 W axial T2 W coronal T2 W FS axial T2 W FS coronal DWI
Jasperson [18] 2013 34 Surveillance HPP (paediatric and adult) USA Conditional Skull base-pelvis Skull base-pelvis
Anupindi [19] 2015 24 Surveillance LFS, VHL, MHE, RTS (paediatric) USA 1.5, 3.0 72 N TSE Vertex-ankle Chest-abdomen Vertex-ankle Head-neck-lower limbs Vertex-ankle
Villani [20] 2016 59 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) CAN 15 N Vertex-toe
Mai [22] 2017 116 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) USA 1.5, 3.0 60 Y GRE Chest-abdomen-pelvis Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe
Bojadzieva [23] 2017 53 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) USA 1.5 Y GRE Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe
Saya [21] 2017 44 Surveillance LFS (adult) UK 1.5 60 N GRE Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe
O'Neill [24] 2017 17 Surveillance LFS (paediatric) USA 3.0 75 N TSE Vertex-knee Chest Vertex-knee Vertex-knee Chest-abdomen-pelvis
Paixao [25] 2018 59 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) BRA 1.5 35 N TSE Vertex-toe Vertex-toe Vertex-toe
Friedman [26] 2020 47 Surveillance hereditary retinoblastoma (paediatric) USA 1.5 90 N Unknown Vertex-toe Whole-body Whole-body Vertex-toe Vertex-toe
Authors Study characteristics Extensions Patients with suspicious cancers detected by WB-MRI (%) Confirmed by histology
Year No. of subjects Study population Country Dedicated brain MRI Spine Lower limbs Other
Jasperson [18] 2013 34 Surveillance HPP (paediatric and adult) USA Targeted on suspicious findings 6 17.6 Y
Anupindi [19] 2015 24 Surveillance LFS, VHL, MHE, RTS (paediatric) USA T2 Yes 1 4.2 Y
Villani [20] 2016 59 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) CAN Yes Yes Breast MRI 8 13.6 Y
Mai [22] 2017 116 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) USA Yes Yes Breast MRI 5 4.3 Y
Bojadzieva [23] 2017 53 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) USA Yes T1 post C Yes 7 13.2 Y
Saya [21] 2017 44 Surveillance LFS (adult) UK Yes 4 9.1 Y
O'Neill [24] 2017 17 Surveillance LFS (paediatric) USA T2 FS Yes Brain FLAIR 2 11.8 N
Paixao [25] 2018 59 Surveillance LFS (paediatric and adult) BRA Yes 3 5.1 Y
Friedman [26] 2020 47 Surveillance hereditary retinoblastoma (paediatric) USA T1, STIR Yes 2 4.3 Y

W weighted, FS fat saturated, Y yes, N no, GRE gradient recalled echo, TSE turbo spin echo, DWI diffusion-weighted imaging, STIR short tau inversion recovery, LFS Li Fraumeni Syndrome, HPP hereditary paraganglioma pheocromocytoma syndrome, NF neurofibromatosis, MHE Multiple Hereditary Exostoses, VHL Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome