Study-level effect modifiers | Individual-level effect modifiers |
• Geographic region (WHO region: African vs. South-East Asia Region)• Anemia burden (country-specific, closest in time to the study: <60% vs. ≥60%)2• Malaria prevalence (country-specific, closest in time to the study: <10% vs. ≥10%)3• Inflammation prevalence (study-specific:, elevated CRP ≤25% and/or elevated AGP ≤50% vs. elevated CRP >25% and/or elevated AGP >50%)4• Water quality (study-specific: <75% vs. ≥75% prevalence of improved drinking water)5• Sanitation (study specific: <50% vs. ≥50% prevalence of improved sanitation)6• Duration of child supplementation (study target: >12 mo vs. ≤12 mo)• Iron dose in the SQ-LNS product (9 mg/d vs. <9 mg/d)7• Child age at baseline or endline• Frequency of contact for intervention delivery or outcome assessments during the study (weekly vs. monthly)• Compliance (average percentage compliance in LNS group ≥80% vs. <80%)8 | • Maternal BMI (<20 kg/m2 vs. ≥20 kg/m2)• Maternal age (<25 y vs. ≥25 y)• Maternal education (no formal or incomplete primary vs. complete primary or greater)• Child sex (female vs. male)• Child birth order (first born vs. later born)• Child baseline acute malnutrition (WLZ <−2 SD or MUAC <125 mm vs. WLZ ≥−2 SD and MUAC ≥125 mm; if MUAC not measured, WLZ <−2 SD vs. WLZ ≥−2 SD)• Child baseline anemia status (Hb ≥110 g/L vs. <110 g/L); iron outcomes only• Child high-dose vitamin A supplementation (receipt within 6 mo before outcome assessment vs. nonreceipt)• Child inflammation at time of outcome assessment (CRP ≤5 mg/L and AGP ≤1 g/L vs. not)• Household socioeconomic status (< study median vs. ≥ study median)9• Food security (moderate-to-severe food insecurity vs. mild food insecurity to secure)• Water quality (unimproved vs. improved)6• Sanitation (unimproved vs. improved)7• Season at the time of outcome assessment (rainy vs. dry)10 |
AGP, α-1-acid glycoprotein; CRP, C-reactive protein; Hb, hemoglobin; LNS, lipid-based nutrient supplement; MUAC, midupper arm circumference; SQ, small-quantity; WASH, water, sanitation, and hygiene; WLZ, weight-for-length z score.
Country-specific prevalence of anemia among children 6–59 mo old, based on national surveys (see Supplemental Table 3); cutoff chosen based on the median across trials.
Country-specific prevalence of malaria, based on the World Malaria Report 2018 (see Supplemental Table 3) (51); cutoff chosen based on the median across trials.
Elevated CRP defined as >5 mg/L, elevated AGP defined as >1 g/L. Based on data at outcome assessment because baseline data were not available for all trials; cutoff chosen based on the median across trials.
Improved water source includes piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells or springs, rainwater, and packaged or delivered water (see Supplemental Table 3) (95); based on baseline data, excluding arms that received WASH interventions; cutoff chosen at approximately the median across trials.
Improved sanitation includes flush/pour flush to piped sewer system, septic tanks, or pit latrines; ventilated improved pit latrines, composting toilets, or pit latrines with slabs (see Supplemental Table 3) (96); based on baseline data, excluding arms that received WASH interventions; cutoff chosen based on the median across trials.
Study-specific (see Supplemental Tables 2 and 3).
Study-specific, because reported based on a study-defined indicator (see Supplemental Table 3); cutoff chosen based on the median across trials.
Based on a study-defined, study-specific assets index.
Rainy compared with dry, based on study- and child-specific average rainfall during the month of measurement and 2 mo prior (see Supplemental Methods and Supplemental Table 4).