Figure 5.
Absence of the characteristics of Kir4.1 activation kinetics in mature astrocytes. A: 100 μM Ba2+ brought about a 2.5 mV and 14 mV depolarization of membrane potential (VM) in a syncytial coupled (black trace) and a freshly dissociated astrocyte (gray trace), respectively. B and C: in a syncytial coupled astrocyte, the Ba2+-sensitive currents remained a linear current-voltage (I-V) relationship, exhibiting neither an Mg2+ nor Na+ inhibition of outward- and inward-going currents noted in Fig. 4. D and E: in a single freshly dissociated astrocyte, 100 μM Ba2+ were able to substantially inhibit the passive conductance but failed to isolate a current component fitting in the activation kinetics of Kir4.1 shown in Fig. 4, indicating a mixed expression of multiple Ba2+-sensitive currents other than Kir4.1. VC, command voltage. Modified from Ref. 29.