Figure 6. ASIC1 contributes to enhanced NSCC influx and CH-induced Em depolarization.
A) NSCC current density (pA/pF)-voltage (mV) relationship in PASMCs from control (circles) and CH (squares) rats in the presence of selective ASIC1 antagonist psalmotoxin 1 (PcTX1; 20 nM). Con and CH vehicles (open grey symbols) are the same as Fig 2F. B) Summary membrane potential (Em; mV) recordings at intraluminal pressures of 12 and 35 mmHg in isolated, pressurized small pulmonary arteries from control (circles) and CH (squares) rats in the presence PcTX1 (20 nM). Values are means (SD); n indicated in parentheses or dots and represents # of animals/group. Each voltage increment was analyzed individually using A) multiple unpaired t-tests, without assuming a consistent standard deviation using the Holm-Šidák method or B–C) analyzed by two-way ANOVA and individual groups compared using Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (see Statistical Summary Document for P-values).