(a) Schematic preparation of flexible silk fibroin (SF) protein materials using ultrasound. (b) SEM images of ultrasound-treated SF films for (MSF) 0, (MSFT-1) 1, (MSFT-5) 5, (MSFT-15) 15 and (MSFT-30) 30 min under 600 W power, and at (MSFP-100) 100 W, (MSFP-300) 300 W, (MSFP-500) 500 W, (MSFP-700) 700 W and (MSFP-800) 800 W intensity for 30 min, respectively (1 µm scale bar), where the inserted (I-X) images correspond to their local enlarged views (50 nm scale bar). (c) FTIR absorbance spectra of films MSF 0, MSFT-30 and MSFP-800 in the 1000 ∼ 1820 cm−1 region. (d) The protein secondary structure contents in ultrasound-treated SF films calculated by a curve fitting method for Amide I region. (e) XRD spectra of films MSF 0, MSFT-30 and MSFP-800. (f) The Silk Ⅰ and Ⅱ contents in ultrasound-treated SF films, calculated from XRD curves.