Fig. 2. Cilium phenotyping in control cell lines.
A Ciliogenesis per control, as a percentage of the total number of cells. Cilia are indicated as either present (cilium), spot or not present (no cilium). The top bar of the graph represents the average of all controls, showing 90 ± 8% is ciliated, 7 ± 7% of the cells have a spot and 3 ± 5% is not ciliated. The error bars indicate the SD. B Cilium length of all controls in a combined violin-boxplot. The median, Q1, Q3, and range are determined using a Tukey-style boxplot. Outliers (1.5 × IQR) are indicated as dots. The number of observations per length are indicated by the width of the violinplot. The violin-boxplot on the left shows the average of all controls with a median of 3.71 ± 0.04 µm. Individual controls are shown in light gray. C The area of the IFT88 accumulations in a combined violin-boxplot as in B. The violin-boxplot on the left shows the average of all controls with a median of 0.43 ± 0.01 µm2.