Fig. 3. AZD4785 stimulates EV secretion by PC9 and LK2 cells.
a–c PC9 and LK2 were treated with AZD4785 for 24 h. For the pulse-chase (p/c) experiment, cells were treated with 10 µM AZD4785 for 6 h, washed and incubated for 24 h in the absence of AZD4785 (AZD4785 p/c). EVs were isolated from conditioned cell media by differential ultracentrifugation and a 100,000×g pellets were analysed by NTA. Representative NTA images. (N = 6). b Size distribution of EVs secreted by PC9 and LK2 cells. EVs were collected and analysed as in a. Error bars, standard deviation. ANOVA ****p < 0.0001. ***p < 0.001. ns non-significant. N = 3–6. c Quantification of EV secretion by PC9 and LK2 cells. The total number of EVs was measured by NTA as in a and divided by the total number of cells. Error bars, standard deviation. ANOVA. ****p < 0.0001, ns non-significant. N = 3–6. d Detection of exosomal markers, CD63 and Alix, in EVs isolated from PC9 and LK2 cells after 24 h treatment. Equal aliquots of EVs isolated as in a were analysed by western blotting and probed for CD63 and Alix. Representative image from N = 2. e Vein diagram for the EV’s protein mass spectrometry analysis revealed differentially secreted protein in PC9 and LK2 EVs.