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. 2021 Oct 19;11:666017. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.666017

Table 1.

Nanozyme Classification and Applications.

Nanozyme system Mimetic activities Applications References
SWNTs POD Drug delivery; Human SNP DNA detection (11, 24)
GO POD Tumor visual detection (63)
GO-COOH GOx; POD Glucose detection (15)
GFH POD Tumor detection (17)
C-Dots POD Glucose detection (22)
HFn-N-CNMs-3 POD; OXD (acidic pH values) Tumor catalytic therapy (25)
SOD; CAT (neutral pH values) Anti-oxidant therapy (25)
Au NPs GOx Self-limiting nanomedicine; Biomedical probe (14, 111)
EMSN-AuNPs GOx; POD Self-activated cascade catalysis (28)
AuNCs POD Tumor detection (64)
BSA-AuNCs POD A dual fluorometric and colorimetric sensor for dopamine (29)
Au/SiO2 nanocomposites POD Realizing high-temperature catalytic reactions (30)
AuNCs-NH2 CAT Enhancing PDT efficiency (83)
Carbon-gold hybrid nanoprobes CAT Real-time imaging, enhancing PTT and PDT efficiency (111)
Au2Pt-PEG-Ce6 CAT; POD Synergistic chemotherapy and phototherapy (112)
Pt NPs CAT Enhancing RT efficiency (113)
Pt NPs/GO POD Tumor detection (62)
PtPB CAT; SOD Enhancing PTT efficiency (89)
Pt-MOFs hybrid system CAT Enhancing PDT efficiency (81)
Pt-Carbon nanozyme CAT Enhancing PDT and PTT efficiency (84)
P@Pt@P−Au−FA CAT; GOx Synergistic starving-like therapy and PDT (87)
Pd@Pt-T790 CAT Enhancing SDT efficiency; anti-bacterial infection (92, 93)
CDP@HP-T CAT Synergistic chemotherapy and SDT (94)
AFeNPs Fenton reaction Enhancing MRI contrast and chemotherapy effects (105)
Fe@BC POD Anti-bacterial infection (27)
Rh-PEG NDs CAT Anti-inflammation and anti-tumor (46)
OxgeMCC-r SAE CAT Enhancing PDT efficiency (114)
IMSN-PEG-TI POD; CAT Anti-tumor (58)
Metal Oxide-Based
Fe3O4 MNPs/IONPs POD (acidic pH values) Detection of organophosphorus pesticide and nerve agent (3, 16, 39)
CAT (neutral pH values) Anti-oxidant (39)
PtFe@Fe3O4 POD; CAT Synergistic tumor catalytic therapy and PTT (109)
DMSN-Au-Fe3O4 NPs POD; GOx Anti-tumor (41)
Nanoceria SOD (neutral pH values) Against radiation damage, oxidative stress and inflammation (9, 10, 38)
Fluorogenic detection of cancer
Folate-conjugated Nanoceria OXD (acidic pH values) Cancer detection (9)
PEG-CNPS SOD Radical scavenger with tunable redox chemistry (36)
A-MnO2 NPs CAT Modulating TME and enhancing RT responses (102)
MnO NPs SOD Enhancing MRI contrast (74)
Au@MnO2-PEG CAT Enhanced RT via improving the tumor oxygenation (104)
Mn3O4 NPs SOD; CAT; GPx Anti-inflammation (76)
MnO2@PtCo OXD; CAT Anti-tumor (75)
rMGB CAT Enhancing starvation and PDT against hypoxic tumor (110)
Ru@CeO2-RBT/Res-DPEG CAT Enhancing dual chemotherapy combined with PTT (108)
PEG-TiO1+x NRs POD Enhancing dual chemotherapy combined with SDT (96)
Metal Chalcogenide
CuS-GNSs POD; GOx Detection of H2O2 and human serum glucose level (44)
Hollow Pt-CuS Janus POD Synergistic PTT and SDT (47)
DMHSs-FeS2/SiO2 POD Detection of H2O2 and GSH for anti-tumor (50)
SVs-Fe3S4 POD Detection of human serum glucose level (51)
FeS2 OXD; POD Anti-tumor (35)
PEG/Ce-Bi@DMSN POD; CAT Synergistic tumor catalytic therapy and PTT (88)