Sense of community |
SC |
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding social media crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic: |
SC1 |
I feel connected with crowds on social media. |
SC2 |
Interacting with social media crowds gives me a sense that I belong to my community. |
SC3 |
I have many close friends from the public crowd on social media. |
SC4 |
I feel loyal to the crowd that I interact with on social media. |
SC5 |
I agree with most members of my online community about prevention tips, priorities, realism, and events during the pandemic. |
SC6 |
If I need any advice or help, I can resort to the crowd on social media. |
SC7 |
I would never think of leaving or stopping interacting with the social media crowd. |
SC8 |
I would work on something together with other members of the crowd on social media to help the resilience of my community during the pandemic. |
The wisdom of the crowd |
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding the role of social media crowdsourcing during the COVID-19 pandemic: |
WOC1 |
The social media crowd is usually wiser than any given individual. |
WOC2 |
Relying on crowd judgments is better than depending on only individual information and experience. |
WOC3 |
Social media crowdsourcing facilitates the combination of individual perceptions into a collective perception. |
WOC4 |
People tend to believe the online crowd’s opinions, advice, and recommendations rather than official campaigns. |
WOC5 |
Ratings, reviews, and feedback of crowds leverage the value of participation in social media crowdsourcing. |
WOC6 |
Social media crowdsourcing enriches the ability of a group to reach a solution that is better than that of any of its individual members. |
Collaborative knowledge creation |
To what extent do social media crowds in the COVID-19 pandemic collaborate to: |
CKC1 |
Acquire new knowledge from many diverse sources. |
CKC2 |
Create, discuss, and evaluate many novel ideas and suggestions collectively, using inductive and deductive thinking to acquire new knowledge. |
CKC3 |
Use social media platforms for knowledge storage. |
CKC4 |
Maintain and identify the format and type of knowledge stored on COVID-19 on a social media platform. |
CKC5 |
Transmit newly created knowledge, experience, solutions, and best practices to the members of the crowd. |
CKC6 |
Share new values, impressions, and thoughts with other members of the crowd. |
CKC7 |
Enable the members of the crowd to conduct collective learning, renew knowledge, and put new learning to use. |
CKC8 |
Help the members of the crowd to locate and access the necessary knowledge. |
Perceived value |
PV |
How important has social media crowdsourcing been to you during the pandemic in each of the following areas: |
PV1 |
Securing and fulfilling my humanitarian needs, such as food, transportation, and medical assistance. |
PV2 |
Understanding more accurately what is happening and improving my perception of the COVID-19 crisis. |
PV3 |
Promoting connectivity, cohesion, and social solidarity among people during the crisis. |
PV4 |
Improving my knowledge about the pandemic when compared with traditional media. |
PV5 |
Identifying misinformation and false rumors about COVID-19. |
PV6 |
Discussing sensitive issues and complex information about COVID-19 with health professionals. |
PV7 |
Sharing emotional support and checking on the status of family and friends, especially in affected areas. |
PV8 |
Generally using social media actively during the COVID-19 crisis. |