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. 2021 Oct 26;16(3):240–251. doi: 10.5469/neuroint.2021.00437

Table 5.

DAP, AK, fluroscopy time regarding mechanical thrombolysis

Variable Mean DAP (Gy·cm2) AK (mGy) FT (min)
 Male (n=186) 190±124 1,342±948 33.2±25
 Female (n=140) 151±116 1,118±892 36.9±29.4
 P-value 0.006* 0.04* 0.245
Occlusion site
 Anterior (n=283) 174± 114 1,244±883 34.9±26.7
 Posterior (n=43) 192±146 1,385±1,125 36.0±24.3
 P-value 0.345 0.343 0.799
Result of recanalization
 <TICI 2a (n=48) 177±120 1,246±904 34.3±26.3
 ≥TICI 2b (n=278) 170±109 1,358±998 39.8±26.2
 P-value 0.725 0.433 0.178
Number of device passage
 1 128±77 875±560 24±17
 2 179±114 1,197±766 35±25
 ≥3 236±137 1,806±1,103 49±30
 P-value 1 vs. 2: P=0.004* 1 vs. 2: P=0.018* 1 vs. 2: P=0.005*
1 vs. ≥3: P=0.000* 1 vs. ≥3: P=0.000* 1 vs. ≥3: P=0.000*
2 vs. ≥3: P=0.001* 2 vs. ≥3: P=0.000* 2 vs. ≥3: P=0.000*
 Aspiration (A) 132±118 866±641 24.3±22.5
 Stentriever (S) 168±102 1,188±759 30.2±21.6
 Combined (C) 208±123 1,558±1,067 45.4±28.4
 P-value A vs. S: P=0.09 A vs. S: P=0.034* A vs. S: P=0.243
A vs. C: P=0.00* A vs. C: P=0.003* S vs. C: P=0.000*
S vs. C: P=0.019* S vs. C: P=0.00* A vs. C: P=0.000*

DAP, dose-area product; AK, air-kerma; FT, fluoroscopic time; TICI, thrombolysis in cerebral infarction scale.


Remained significant.