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. 2021 Sep 6;206(3):395–409. doi: 10.1111/cei.13653


Demographic and clinical parameters of the participants in the study (median, interquartile range)

Urban area (Franceville) Semi‐urban area (Makokou) Rural area (Mulundu)
Uninfected Asymptomatic‐infected p a Uninfected Asymptomatic‐infected p a Uninfected Asymptomatic‐infected p
n = 33 n = 17 n = 32 19 88 84
Sex ratio 0.83 1.13 0.68 1.38 1.05 0.87
Age (IQR) months 84 (72–102) 108 (84–124) 0.020 * 96 (84–132) 108 (72–132) 0.759 92 (52–133) 90 (60–118) 0.921a
Temperature (IQR) °C 36.5 (36.3–36.8) 36.6 (36.6–37.2) 0.066 37.0 (36.4–37.2) 37.0 (36.6–37.1) 0.533 36.6 (36.2–36.9) 36.7 (36.1–37.1) 0.260a
White blood cells (IQR) 103cells/mm3 5.90 (5.50–7.25) 6.20 (5.80–6.95) 0.696 7.15 (6.23–7.98) 7.50 (5.20–9.70) 0.527 ND ND
Red blood cells (IQR) 103cells/mm3 4.57 (4.35–4.81) 4.27 (3.95–4.49) 0.004 * 4.29 (4.03–4.57) 4.42 (3.63–4.75) 0.95 ND ND
Hemoglobin (IQR) g/dl 10.5 (9.70–11.2) 10.3 (8.85–10.7) 0.167 10.6 (10.0–11.0) 9.70 (9.0–11.0) 0.091 ND ND
Platelets (IQR) 103cells/mm3 253 (206–298) 241 (203–271) 0.327 354 (276–433) 306 (219–364) 0.063 ND ND
Parasitemia (IQR) parasites/µl 1295 (560–3815) 4590 (1820–9785) 3500 (1260–6580) 0.028* b

Sex ratio, age, temperature, leukocyte counts, hemoglobin concentrations and parasite densities in asymptomatic uninfected and infected children according to the study site (urban, semi‐urban and rural areas). The uninfected children were defined as Plasmodium falciparum‐exposed children, negative for parasites in thick blood smears and/or in rapid detection test kits.

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; ND, not determined.

Significant levels were calculated using a Mann–Whitney rank sum analysis and bKruskal–Wallis analysis.

The bold‐type figures are to highlight the significant p‐values.


< 0.05.