Injection of ngn3 can induce ectopic expression of BETA2 in Xenopus embryos. (A) The injected sides of GFP-injected embryos, which were included as the control. Normal expression of BETA2 is seen in the eyes (E), trigeminal ganglia (TG), and dorsal root ganglia (DRG). (C) Uninjected side of the same GFP-injected embryos. (B) The injected sides of ngn3-injected embryos. In the lower embryo, the two areas that express ectopic BETA2 are marked by black (left) and white (right) dashed lines and are magnified in two insets at the left and right corners, respectively. In the upper embryo, the region expressing an ectopic or abnormal amount of BETA2 is also marked (bracket). In addition, in both embryos the expression of BETA2 in the head region is expanded and obscures the normal expression of BETA2 in the eyes and trigeminal ganglia. (D) The uninjected side of ngn3-injected embryos. Original magnification, ×3.125.