FIG. 4.
Detection of Zac1 and Sgce transcripts in mouse embryos by in situ hybridization. (A) Zac1 is highly expressed in the liver primordium and body wall of the umbilical region (arrow) of a d9.5 embryo. (B) At d11, Zac1 expression is observed in neural tube (nt), somites (s), sympathetic ganglia (sg), distal second branchial arch (ba), and telencephalic vesicles (te). (C) Zac1 showed a strong expression in the neural tube (nt) at d10.5. (D and E) Sgce expression is restricted to the allantoic region (al) at d9.0 (D, right), whereas at d12 (E, right) this transcript is widely distributed (embryos hybridized with a sense probe are shown on the left of each panel).