(a-b) Representative crystal violet staining for a long-term survival assay of a panel of prostate cell lines at various concentrations of ESK981, crizotinib, or cabozantinib.
(c) Cell cycle analysis was measured after 72 hours of increasing concentrations of ESK981 treatment in indicated prostate cancer cell lines. Ctrl, control.
(d) Cell cycle analysis of VCaP cells that were treated with the indicated compounds for 72 hours. Cabo, cabozantinib; Crizo, crizotinib; Enza, enzalutamide; ESK, ESK981.
(e) Matrigel invasion assay of various prostate cancer cell lines that were treated with the indicated concentrations of ESK981. The percentage invasion was quantified with a fluorescent plate reader. Data were analyzed by two-tailed unpaired t test from three independent experiments and presented as mean ± SEM. P-value indicated.