RBD-specific IgG response in participants vaccinated with “Sputnik Light”. (a) RBD-specific IgG reciprocal titers before vaccination (baseline, day 1) and on days 10, 28, and 42, as measured by ELISA, in all vaccinated participants as well as separated by pre-existing anti-RBD-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody titers. Dots show individual data points. Horizontal lines represent geometric mean titers, whiskers are 95% CIs. N shows number of participants in each stratum. Significant differences between different timepoints are indicated by asterisks and lines: * for p<0·05, *** for p<0·001, or **** for p<0·0001. NS- indicates not significant difference. (b) Seroconversion rates (percentage) of participants in different timepoints. Seroconversion was defined as at least a four-fold increase in post-vaccination titer from baseline. Whiskers are 95% CIs calculated by Wilson/Brown method.