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. 2021 Nov 2;18(11):e1003819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003819

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the study participants by baseline levels of alcohol consumption.

Characteristic Alcohol consumption
Total n (column %) Abstinent (AUDIT-C = 0) n (column %) Low to moderate (AUDIT-C = 1–3) n (column %) Moderate to high (AUDIT-C = 4) n (column %) High (AUDIT-C = 5) n (column %) Very high (AUDIT-C = 6–7) n (column %) Extremely high (AUDIT-C = 8–12) n (column %)
Total 4,028 (100.0) 447 (100.00) 2,203 (100.00) 674 (100.00) 383 (100.00) 228 (100.00) 93 (100.00)
Demographic variables
    Females 2,006 (49.80) 248 (55.48) 1,368 (62.10) 250 (37.09) 89 (23.24) 37 (16.23) 14 (15.05)
Age groups
    18–39 1,851 (45.95) 161 (36.02) 1,040 (47.21) 330 (48.96) 174 (45.43) 104 (45.61) 42 (45.16)
    40–49 847 (21.03) 85 (19.02) 435 (19.75) 156 (23.15) 95 (24.80) 52 (22.81) 24 (25.81)
    50–64 1,330 (33.02) 201 (44.97) 728 (33.05) 188 (27.89) 114 (29.77) 72 (31.58) 27 (29.03)
School education
    <10 years 1,927 (47.84) 290 (64.88) 1,063 (48.25) 270 (40.06) 151 (39.43) 98 (42.98) 55 (59.14)
    10–11 years 1,471 (36.52) 123 (27.52) 811 (36.81) 283 (41.99) 139 (36.29) 89 (39.04) 26 (27.96)
    >11 years 630 (15.64) 34 (7.61) 329 (14.93) 121 (17.95) 93 (24.28) 41 (17.98) 12 (12.90)
Smoking status
    Never smoker 676 (16.78) 123 (27.52) 449 (20.38) 66 (9.79) 25 (6.53) 10 (4.39) 3 (3.23)
    Ever less than daily 920 (22.84) 68 (15.21) 594 (26.96) 142 (21.07) 73 (19.06) 31 (13.60) 12 (12.90)
    Former daily 839 (20.83) 85 (19.02) 407 (18.47) 171 (25.37) 99 (25.85) 61 (26.75) 16 (17.20)
    Current daily <20 cpd 485 (12.04) 54 (12.08) 267 (12.12) 80 (11.87) 45 (11.75) 32 (14.04) 7 (7.53)
    Current daily ≥20 cpd 1,108 (27.51) 117 (26.17) 486 (22.06) 215 (31.90) 141 (36.81) 94 (41.23) 55 (59.14)
Self-rated health
    Very good to excellent 1,427 (35.43) 111 (24.83) 797 (36.18) 265 (39.32) 145 (37.86) 81 (35.53) 28 (30.11)
    Good 1,926 (47.82) 214 (47.87) 1,048 (47.57) 325 (48.22) 184 (48.04) 113 (49.56) 42 (45.16)
    Fair to poor 675 (16.76) 122 (27.29) 358 (16.25) 84 (12.46) 54 (14.10) 34 (14.91) 23 (24.73)

Alcohol consumption: last 12 months prior to the interview at baseline. n number of study participants at baseline who had vital status information at follow-up. AUDIT-C, value range 0–12. The p-values of the Pearson chi-squared tests are < .001 for all characteristics shown.

AUDIT-C, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Consumption; cpd, cigarettes per day.