Figure 2.
Characterization of the heterogeneity and pseudo-temporal differentiation trajectories in heterotopic ossification (HO) cell models. (a) tSNE subcluster clustering maps of mouse tail tendon cells under physiological and simulated HO pathological conditions, with different clusters indicated by colors. (b) tSNE subcluster clustering maps of mouse tail tendon cells under physiological and simulated HO pathological conditions, with green and gray indicating tail tendon cells under physiological conditions and simulated HO pathological conditions, respectively. (c) Volcano map of the pathway differential expression in mouse tail tendon cells under physiological and simulated HO pathological conditions. (d) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) clustering of mouse tail tendon cells under simulated HO pathological conditions, with HO1 class cells (cluster 0) defined in green and HO2 class cells (cluster 1) defined in gray. (e, f) Pseudo-temporal sequence of HO cell differentiation in mice. (g) Expression of HO-related genes in mouse tail tendon cells under simulated HO pathological conditions with the change of differentiation chronology.