Table 1.
Characteristics of eligible studies for systematic review (SR) and meta-analysis (MA).
Row | First author | Country and year of publish | Study design | Age of participants | Sample size | exposure | outcome | Effect measure | Effect size | Quality | Final analysis (SR or MA) |
1 | Wendi Li | China 2016 |
Cross-sectional | between 19 and 33 years | 146 | Loneliness (UCLA loneliness scale) | Internet addition | Beta coefficients of Hierarchical regression analysis, |
Beta: 0.333 among non-ADHD group, Beta: 0.219 among adult with ADHD, p: 0.017 |
7 | SR and MA |
2 | Joseph T.F. Laua | Hong Kong 2017 |
prospective | 1545 students | Loneliness (UCLA(Chen Internet Addiction Scale)) | Internet addition | Odds ratio of logistic regression | adjusted by baseline CIAS score and all socio-demographic backgrounds: OR: 0.93 (0.90,0.95) | 8 | SR and MA | |
3 | Anthony Iacovelli | USA 2009 |
Cross-sectional | undergraduate female students | 74 | Loneliness | Internet addition | T-test | t(35) = −2.378, p = .023 | 6 | SR |
4 | Scott Caplan | USA 2009 |
Cross-sectional | play MMO games | 4000 MMO players | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | Beta coefficients | Beta: .323, t: 21.37 | 7 | SR and MA |
5 | Hatice Odacı | Turkey 2013 |
Cross-sectional | ages ranged between 17 and 23 | 424 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | Beta coefficients |
Beta: −.27 T: −5.3 P: 0.01 |
5 | SR and MA |
6 | Yalçın Özdemir | Turkey 2014 |
Cross-sectional | mean age of 22.46 years | 648 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | correlation | R:.32 | 6 | SR and MA |
7 | Xinxin Shi | China 2017 |
Cross-sectional | Mage: 15.771 years old | 3289 | family functioning and Loneliness as mediator (Asher's Child Loneliness Scale) | Internet addiction | NA | NA | 6 | SR |
8 | Binnaz Kiran Esena | Turkey, 2013 | Cross-sectional | university students | 507 university students | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | analysis of Variance | (F(2 497)= 19.56, p<.01). | 5 | SR |
9 | Ramazan Abac | Kosovo and Turkey, 2013 | Cross-sectional | elderly people | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | analysis of Variance | loneliness level of Turkish people ANOVA F:10.13 P:.000 loneliness level between elderly Kosovo people ANOVA F:3.11 P:.04 |
4 | SR | |
10 | Melahat Akgün Kostak | Turkey, 2018 | Cross-sectional | students | 881 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | NA | NA | 7 | SR |
11 | Hatice Odacı | Turkey, 2010 | Cross-sectional | Average age was 17.71 years | 493 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | Correlation |
R:0.194 P:<0.001 |
6 | SR and MA |
12 | Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci | Turkey, 2018 | Cross-sectional | Average age: 22 | 392 | Loneliness (Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | structural equation modeling (SEM) | Beta= .017 | 7 | SR and MA |
13 | Anam-ul-Malik | Pakistan, 2016 | Cross-sectional | 14–33 years | 301 | Loneliness (Wittenberg Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | Beta coefficients of Multiple Hierarchical Regression |
Beta: .13 P: 0.00 |
7 | SR and MA |
14 | Durmuş Ümmet | Turkey, 2016 | Cross-sectional | average age was 20.64 | 237 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | regression analysis | regression analysis F = 48.823, p <.001 |
6 | SR |
15 | Jale ELDELEKLIOĞLU | Turkey, 2013 | Cross-sectional | aged between 15 and 18 years | 206 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | Multiple Regression Analysis | internet addiction and loneliness (R= .17, p< .05) Multiple Regression Analysis T: .775 P:. 439 |
6 | SR and MA |
16 | Signorelli MS | Italy, 2018 | Cross-sectional | Ages ranged from 13 to 20 years | 551 | Loneliness (Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS)) | Internet addition | Odds ratio of Logistic Regression |
OR: 1.062 P-Value:<.000 |
6 | SR and MA |
17 | Meltem Huri Baturay | Turkey, 2019 | Cross-sectional | undergraduate students | 159 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | NA | NA | 5 | SR |
18 | Sun-Mi Cho | Korea, 2013 | Cohort | 14- to 15-year old male | 524 male | Loneliness | IAS(Internet Addiction Scale) | Odds ratio |
OR: 1.155 P < .01 |
6 | SR and MA |
19 | Dr. Nergüz BULUT SERIN | North Cyprus, 2011 | Cross-sectional | university students | 411 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | Beta coefficients of multiple linear regression analysis |
Beta: −.041 P:.166 |
6 | SR and MA |
20 | Dr. Hasan OZGUR | Turkey, 2014 | Cross-sectional | students | 311 | Loneliness (UCLA-Loneliness Scale III) | Problematic Internet use | regression analysis | [R=.294, R2=.08, F(1,309)=29.159, p<.01]. | 7 | SR and MA |
21 | C.C. Frangos | Greece, 2011 | Cross-sectional | mean age 20.12±2.4 years | 3545 | Loneliness | Internet addition | Odds ratio |
OR: 2.15 95% CI=1.67–2.71) |
6 | SR and MA |
22 | Yaning Guo | China, 2018 | Cross-sectional | age from 17 to 25 years | 1341 | Loneliness (emotional loneliness and social loneliness) | Internet addition | Beta coefficients |
Beta: .0135 P < .000 |
7 | SR and MA |
23 | Yujia REN | China, 2017 | Cross-sectional | students | 432 | Loneliness (Los Angeles Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | Correlation |
R: 0.324 B: 0.13 P: 0.035 |
8 | SR and MA |
24 | Leo Sang-Min Whang | Korea, 2003 | Cross-sectional | 20–40 age | 13,588 | Loneliness | Internet addition | NA | NA | 6 | SR |
25 | Elizabeth Hardie | Australia, 2007 | Cross-sectional | 18–72 years | 96 | Loneliness (Wittenberg's Emotional and Social Loneliness Scale) | Internet addition | NA | NA | 4 | SR |
26 | Dora K. Prievara | Hungary, 2018 | Cross-sectional | aged between 14 and 24 years | 408 | Loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) | Problematic Internet use | Correlation | R: .27 | 5 | SR and MA |
NA; Not available, SR; systematic review, MA; meta-analysis, OR; Odds ratio, R; Correlation coefficient, Beta; Beta coefficient of Multiple Regression Analysis.