Coupling of head engagement, coiled coil alignment, and hinge bending, related to Figure 6
A-C.) Purity and labeling of the hinge bending (A), coiled coil alignment (B) and head engagement sensors (C) used in Figure 6.
D.) FRET distributions of the data shown in Figure 6D. Shown are means and standard deviations from four replicates per condition. The total number of molecules analyzed is indicated (N). Shown are means ± SD (4 replicates).
E.) FRET distributions of the data shown in Figures 6E and 6F. Shown are means ± SD for +ATP/+NIPBL/+DNA and +NIPBL/+DNA (3 replicates) and +ATP/+NIPBL (2 replicates). The total number of molecules analyzed is indicated (N).