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. 2021 Jul 9;56(11):2732–2741. doi: 10.1038/s41409-021-01374-y

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and transplantation procedure.

Item Specification At diagnosis/prior to HSCT
N %
Patients 65 100
Gender Male 34 52
Female 31 48
Age at diagnosis of MDS Years, median(range) 12.8 (4.4–18.6)
GATA2 Type of mutation Truncating 43 66
Missense 14 22
Non-Coding Intron 4 4 6
Synonymous 3 5
Whole gene deletion 1 2
MDS subtype at diagnosis RCC 36 55
MDS-EB 22 34
MDS-EBt/ MDR-AML 6 /1 11
Karyotype Monosomy 7 44 68
Der (1;7) 4 6
Trisomy 8 4 6
Normala 12 19
Other 1 1
Non-Hematological features Any 40 71
Immunedeficiencyb 24
Lymphedema/ hydrocele 13
Deafness/hearing impairment 8
Urogenital malformations 10
Neurocognitive/ behavioral problems 10
Highest MDS subtype
 (prior to HSCT) RCC 27 42
MDS-EB 23 35
MDS-EBt/ MDR-AML 10/5 23
 Age at HSCT Years, median (range) 13.5 (4.6-19.9)
 Interval MDS to HSCT Months, median (range) 5.6 (1.4 – 67)
 Therapy prior to 1st HSCT No therapy 55 85
AML-type 5 8
other 5 8
 BM blasts at HSCT < 5% 34 56
5–19% 19 31
≥ 20% 8 13
No data 4
HSCT procedure
 Donor MSD 17 26
MUD (10/10)/(9/10) 24/6 46
UD (6/6)/(5/6)/(8/10)c/ incomplete typing 1/2/6/1 15
MMFD 8 12
 Stem cell source BM 37 57
PBSC 19 29
PBSC (T-cell depleted) 8 12
CB 1 2
 Conditioning regimen Busulfan- based 35 54
Treosulfan-based 21 32
TBI-based 5 8
Other 4 6
 GvHD prophylaxis MSD (17) CSA 7
(M)UD (40) ATGd/CSA/MTXe 36
ATG/tacrolimus 1
MMFD (8) ATG 6
Muromonab (OKT3) 1

HSCT Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, MDS Myelodysplastic syndrome, RCC Refractory cytopenia of childhood, MDS-EB MDS with excess blasts, MDS-EBt MDS with excess blasts in transformation, MDR-AML MDS-related acute myeloid leukemia, MSD matched sibling donor, MUD matched unrelated donor, UD unrelated donor, MMFD mismatched family donor, BM bone marrow, PBSC peripheral blood stem cells, CB cord blood; TBI total body irradiation, ATG/ALG anti-thymocyte/lymphocyte globuline, CSA cyclosporine, MTX methotrexate, MMF Mycophenolate mofetil.

aIncluding two patients without sufficient metaphases and exclusion of monosomy 7 and trisomy 8 by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

bDefined as frequent infections and/or laboratory evidence of immune deficiency.

cIncluding one patient with an 8/10 HLA matched sibling donor.

dIncluding one patient with alemtuzumab instead of ATG as serotherapy.

eIncluding two patients with MMF instead of MTX.