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. 2021 Sep 30;63(5):1034–1063. doi: 10.5187/jast.2021.e99

Table 9. The effects of using pomegranate peel powder, oxidized oil and alpha-tocopherol in diets on blood lipids in broiler chickens.

Treatment Traits
Triglyceride (mg/dL) Cholesterol (mg/dL) LDL (mg/dL) HDL (mg/dL)
Main effect
 Pomegranate peel (%)
  0 40.5 129.5 51.6a 75.0
  4 38.3 126.8 44.9b 79.5
  8 39.9 131.0 48.5ab 80.2
  SEM 1.14 1.41 1.26 1.81
 Oxidized oil (%)
  0 38.1b 126.0b 45.1b 78.3
  2 38.6ab 128.4ab 45.5b 81.0
  4 42.1a 132.9a 54.4a 75.4
  SEM 1.14 1.41 1.26 1.81
 Alpha-tocopherol (mg/kg)
  0 40.9 130.8a 50.8a 77.2
  200 38.3 127.4b 45.8b 79.3
  SEM 0.93 1.15 1.02 1.48
Interaction effects
 Pomegranate peel × oxidized oil × alpha-tocopherol
 0 0 0 41.4 129.8 50.6 77.4
 0 0 200 36.4 121.6 41.4 78.2
 0 2 0 41.2 125.0 48.2 74.0
 0 2 200 36.4 127.8 45.0 81.4
 0 4 0 46.6 138.8 65.4 68.6
 0 4 200 41.2 134.2 59.4 70.6
 4 0 0 38.0 123.6 43.0 77.4
 4 0 200 41.6 120.8 44.0 74.6
 4 2 0 38.2 131.2 45.0 83.6
 4 2 200 31.4 119.4 40.0 78.4
 4 4 0 42.6 128.2 50.2 74.6
 4 4 200 38.4 137.8 47.2 88.8
 8 0 0 35.4 133.0 52.2 78.8
 8 0 200 36.2 127.2 39.6 83.8
 8 2 0 42.0 134.0 48.4 84.0
 8 2 200 42.4 133.2 46.4 85.0
 8 4 0 43.0 133.6 55.0 76.4
 8 4 200 40.8 125.2 49.4 73.6
 SEM 2.81 3.46 3.08 4.46
 Pomegranate peel 0.3887 0.1098 0.0014 0.0940
 Oxidized oil 0.0345 0.0030 0.0001 0.0976
 Alpha-tocopherol 0.0518 0.0443 0.0008 0.3029
 Pomegranate peel × oxidized oil 0.0796 0.0263 0.0403 0.1883
 Pomegranate peel × alpha-tocopherol 0.3499 0.7064 0.4122 0.9016
 Oxidized oil × alpha-tocopherol 0.4375 0.5369 0.6107 0.7436
 Pomegranate peel × oxidized oil × alpha-tocopherol 0.6678 0.0213 0.4151 0.1810

Means in columns with same superscript do not differ significantly p < 0.05.

LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein.