Effects of in vitro and in vivo NO donor in primary isolated hepatocytes and eNOShep−/− mice. Primary hepatocytes were isolated from female eNOSfl/fl mice (20–22 weeks of age) and administered an NO donor – DETA NONOate (50–100 μmol/L). Effect of NO donor on (A) oxygen consumption rate and (B) complete palmitate oxidation in isolated hepatocytes from eNOSfl/fl and eNOShep−/− mice. C: Protein content and representative Western blot images of LC3-I and LC3-II in primary isolated hepatocytes from eNOSfl/fl and eNOShep−/− mice exposed to NO donor (n = 4–6/group), where groups are normalized to their own respective controls, which does not allow comparison between the genotypes. Three weeks of twice-daily injections of an NO donor increased; D: palmitate oxidation in male eNOShep−/− mice (n = 3–5/group), and decreased (E) histological inflammation and steatosis. Data are presented as mean ± SD. #Significantly different from eNOSfl/fl (P < 0.05). $Significantly different from control-treated cells or saline-injected animals (P < 0.05). ASMs, acid-soluble metabolites; AU/correc., arbitrary units/correction; CD, control diet; Con, control non-treated cells; H&E, hemotoxylin and eosin; OCR, oxygen consumption rate.