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. 2021 Nov 2;4(11):e2129697. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.29697

Table 1. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Study Cohort.

Characteristic Eligible participants with study MRI, No. (N = 355) Participantsa P valueb
Included (n = 244) Excluded (n = 111)
Age, median (range), y 59 (34-87) 59 (34-85) 59 (35-87) .39
Black/African American 53 30 (57) 23 (43) .02
White 271 197 (73) 74 (27)
Otherc 31 17 (55) 14 (45)
Hispanic 21 9 (43) 12 (57) .01
Non-Hispanic or unknown 334 235 (70) 99 (30)
Insurance status
Private insurance 273 188 (69) 85 (31) .04
Medicare or other government insurance 64 48 (75) 16 (25)
Medicaid or uninsured 18 8 (44) 10 (56)
DCIS grade
Low 58 39 (67) 19 (33) .58
Intermediate 144 95 (66) 49 (34)
High 140 102 (73) 38 (27)
Unknown 13 8 (62) 5 (38)
DCIS longest diameter, median (IQR), mmd 11 (6-20) 11.5 (6-22) 11 (8-15) .54e
Decision autonomy preference
My surgeon should make the decision with little input from me 3 2 (67) 1 (33) .39e
My surgeon should make the decision but seriously consider my opinion 23 19 (83) 4 (17)
My surgeon and I should make the decision together 230 174 (76) 56 (24)
I should make the decision after seriously considering my surgeon’s opinion 73 49 (67) 24 (33)
Missing 26 0 26 (100)
Diagnostic mammography TMI summated scale score, median (range)f 90.5 (42.9-100.0) 90.5 (42.9-100.0) 90.5 (52.4-100.0) .59
ASC Cancer Worry subscale score, median (range)g 2.3 (1.0-4.0) 2.0 (1.0-4.0) 2.3 (1.0-4.0) .19e
PROMIS-10 score, median (range)h
Physical T score 50.8 (26.7-67.7) 54.1 (26.7-67.7) 50.8 (29.6-67.7) .08e
Mental T score 50.8 (31.3-67.6) 50.8 (31.3-67.6) 50.8 (38.8-67.6) .18e

Abbreviations: ASC, Assessment of Survivor Concerns; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PROMIS-10, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System–10; TMI, Testing Morbidities Index.


Data are presented as number (percentage) of participants unless otherwise indicated. Percentages correspond to rows.


P values compare participants in the analysis set vs those excluded. For continuous variables, the P value corresponds to the t test or the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum test as appropriate. For categorical variables, the P value corresponds to the exact version of the χ2 test.


American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, multiple races reported, not reported, and Unknown.


As reported on the diagnostic mammogram.


The P value for the comparison was performed after removing missing values.


The TMI is a 7-item instrument that evaluates the temporary changes in quality of life before, during, and after a test (0 represents the worst possible and 100 the hypothetical ideal test experience).


Each ASC item has a 4-category response scale of 1 (not at all), 2 (a little bit), 3 (somewhat), and 4 (very much). The mean of the 3 cancer worry items (fear of cancer recurrence, new cancer diagnosis, and diagnostic tests) was determined for each participant, arriving at a semicontinuous measure ranging from 1 to 4, in which higher values indicate higher levels of cancer worry.


A 10-item questionnaire addressing global physical and mental health. Raw scores are converted to mental and physical T scores. T score distributions are standardized such that a score of 50 represents the mean for the US general population, and the SD around that mean is 10 points. Higher scores represent better HRQOL.