COVID-19 ageism towards older people |
Doctors devote too much time to treating older people who are sick with COVID-19. |
Older people constitute too heavy a burden on the heath system. |
Sometimes older people are too heavy a burden on their families. |
Older people are to blame for public transportation being closed to younger people, due to their fear that they will be infected on trains and buses. |
If not for the fear of infecting older people with the virus, all the commotion about COVID-19 would not have occurred to such an extent. |
Older people are to blame for the fact that, due to the fear of infecting them, younger people can no longer move around public places. |
As older people are afraid to be infected, younger people can no longer work to the extent that they did before the start of the epidemic. |
There is no need to close the whole country for such a limited number of people, who in any case do not have many years left to live. |
Most older people do not follow the instructions of the Health Ministry and the government regarding personal hygiene and use of disinfectants. |
Most older people do not follow the instructions of the Health Ministry and the government regarding physical and social distancing. |
Older people expect the government to care mainly for their needs during the COVID-19 crisis. |
COVID-19 ageism towards younger people |
Doctors devote too much time to treating younger people who are sick with COVID-19. |
Younger people constitute too heavy a burden on the social security system, such as unemployment compensation. |
Sometimes younger people are too heavy a burden on their families. |
Younger people are to blame for the fact that older people have to fear being infected with COVID-19. |
If younger people would follow the hygiene rules, regarding wearing masks and distancing, all the commotion about COVID-19 would not have occurred to such an extent. |
As younger people have not stopped going to public places, older people have to fear being infected with COVID-19. |
There is no reason to endanger an entire country because younger people want to have a good time. |
Most younger people do not follow the instructions of the Health Ministry and the government regarding personal hygiene and use of disinfectants. |
Most younger people do not follow the instructions of the Health Ministry and the government regarding physical and social distancing. |
Younger people expect the government to care mainly for their needs during the COVID-19 crisis. |