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. 2021 May 7;66:620268. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2021.620268


Multilevel mixed-effects binary logistic regression on the associations between weekly energy drink consumption and background factors, individual resources and family factors, among 13- and 15-year-olds (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, Finland, 2014 and 2018).

Model 1 (13-year-olds a ) n = 3217 Model 2 (15-year-olds b ) n = 3197
OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p
Gender Girl 1.00 1.00
Boy 2.39 [1.91–2.98] <0.001 2.71 [2.21–3.32] <0.001
Survey year 2014 1.00 1.00
2018 1.54 [1.13–2.09] <0.01 1.93 [1.56–2.39] <0.001
Place of residence Urban 1.00 1.00
Rural 1.04 [0.81–1.33] 0.79 0.99 [0.81–1.24] 0.99
Geographical region Capital city area 1.00 1.00
Southern Finland 1.39 [0.87–2.23] 0.17 0.85 [0.60–1.21] 0.38
Central Finland 1.67 [1.04–2.68] 0.04 1.12 [0.78–1.61] 0.54
Northern Finland 1.71 [0.98–2.98] 0.06 1.08 [0.70–1.65] 0.74
Family affluence High 1.00 1.00
Medium 0.83 [0.65–1.05] 0.11 0.79 [0.64–0.98] 0.04
Low 0.85 [0.59–1.23] 0.40 0.72 [0.51–1.02] 0.07
Parental monitoring High 1.00 1.00
Medium 1.65 [1.22–2.22] <0.01 1.26 [0.98–1.63] 0.07
Low 5.71 [4.25–7.67] <0.001 2.24 [1.75–2.88] <0.001
School achievement High 1.00 1.00
Medium 2.71 [1.96–3.75] <0.001 2.57 [1.87–3.53] <0.001
Low 5.46 [3.66–8.16] <0.001 4.58 [3.13–6.71] <0.001
Health literacy High 1.00 1.00
Medium 1.07 [0.82–1.39] 0.63 1.26 [1.01–1.56] 0.04
Low 1.75 [1.22–2.49] <0.01 1.52 [1.07–2.16] 0.02
Educational aspiration c Academic 1.00
Non-academic 1.88 [1.50–2.36] <0.001

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.


School effect p<0.001, variance proportion coefficient: 0.118.


School effect p=0.12, variance proportion coefficient: 0.0169.


In both 2014 and 2018, educational aspiration was included in the survey only for 15-year-olds.