A–D, analysis of whole hearts and transverse heart sections from TRPV1-Cre:tdTomato or TRPV1PLAP-nlacZ mice reveals TRPV1 expression in small arterioles of the ventricular myocardium. E–R, nuclear LacZ staining in forelimb arteries (E–H), arteries in latissimus dorsi, gracilis and trapezius skeletal muscles (I–L), and arteries supplying white (M–O) and brown (P–R) adipose tissues. Insets (yellow boxes) in K, M and P are expanded in L, O and R, respectively. Scale bar: 1 mm (A, C, E, I), 300 μm (F, J, M, P), 100 μm (B, D, G, L, O, R), 20 μm (H, N, Q). These representative images were compiled from a total of 30 male mice and six female mice and no apparent sex differences were noted.