Transcriptome profiling analyses identify cold-regulated BBX7/8- and HY5-dependent genes. A, Venn diagrams indicating the numbers of BBX7/8- and HY5-regulated COR genes. B, Venn diagram indicating the numbers of COR genes regulated by BBX7/8, HY5, and CBFs. C, GO enrichment analysis of BBX7/8- and HY5-regulated COR genes described in (A). Left panel indicates BBX7/8- and HY5-coactivated COR genes (145), and right panel indicates BBX7/8- and HY5-corepressed COR genes (252). D, Expression of BBX7/8- and HY5-induced COR genes in Col-0, bbx7 bbx8, hy5-215, cry2-1, cop1-4, and cbfs under cold treatment. Expression in Col-0 at 22°C was set to 1.00. ACTIN2/8 was used as a normalization control. Data are the means of three independent experiments ± sd. Asterisks indicate significant differences compared with Col-0 under the same treatment (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, Student’s t test).