Figure 6.
Impact of Tre6P on the basal expression of SnRK1-regulated genes. A, Induction of otsA expression in an ethanol-inducible line (iOtsA) and the corresponding empty vector control (AlcR). Plants were grown on soil, under a 12:12 photoperiod for 19 d. Ethanol (2% v/v) was sprayed over the plants at ZT0 or at ZT6 and whole rosettes were harvested after 6 h (ZT6 and ZT12 indicate the time of harvest) for RT-qPCR analyses of otsA (A, right) and of the same set of SnRK1 marker genes as in Figure 5B (B). Values denote expression relative to the ZT6 time point of the AlcR line. Boxplots represent four to five biological replicates (each consisting of a pool of three randomly harvested rosettes). Lower and upper box boundaries represent the first and third quantiles, respectively, horizontal lines mark the median and whiskers mark the highest and lowest values. Dots represent individual datapoints. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s HSD test).