Fig. 4.
Track analysis of Click-On radioguidance in vivo during robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. The 3D surface plots are based on the percentage of time spent in a specific location of the abdomen (%s/cm3) in each experiment. This is also converted into a color-coded 2D (%s/cm2; related to the color bar shown on the right) plots on the XY plane. Top row: the results of each fellow surgeon trial for finding the hidden target with palpation, bottom row: results of the same fellow surgeon with Click-On probe guidance (fellows 1 and 2 could not find the target without Click-On probe, they did find it using the probe guidance at 24 and 30 s, respectively; fellow 3 found the target with Click-On probe on the last seconds (t = 39 s); fellow 4 found it in both experiments very quickly; fellow 5 could not find it in both experiments)