Fig. 3. Distinct clusters of malignant cells in metastatic PDAC lesions.
A t-SNE plot showing the 6 malignant cell subclusters from 5 PDAC samples. B Six malignant PDAC cell subclusters were identified by t-SNE analysis. C Violin plots for marker genes of cancer stem cells (ALDH1A1, PROM1, and NES) and ductal cells (MMP7, TSPAN8, and SOX9). D Feature plots for marker genes of cancer stem cells (ALDH1A1, PROM1, and NES) and ductal cells (MMP7, TSPAN8, and SOX9). The color legend shows the log1p normalized expression levels of the genes. E Heatmap showing the representative pathway terms of Hallmark enriched in each cellular subgroup. F Heatmap showing the representative pathway terms of KEGG enriched in each cellular subgroup.