Detailed examination of the proliferation, cell death, and DNA damage pathways, as identified by RNA expression profiling described in Fig. 2, and IHC examination of these pathways. Depiction of a two additional GSEA enrichment plots for cell cycle. b Single sample cell cycle score determined from RNA expression values from the indicated genes (PPBC n = 9, NPBC n = 7). Data are presented as a minimum to maximum with median value marked by a line within the depicted interquartile range, and p value determined by Students’ unpaired two-tailed t test with Welch correction. c Examples of immunohistochemical (IHC) evaluation of KI67-positive (brown color) protein expression (left), with quantification of KI67 signal evaluated as the proportion of nuclei (right, PPBC n = 15, NPBC n = 15) Data are presented as mean values ±SEM, and p value determined by Students’ unpaired two-tailed t test with Welch correction. Samples evaluated by RNA Seq are depicted by circles and pseq refers to p values for these samples only, while expanded cases for IHC are depicted by squares and p values reflect values for the whole cohort. d GSEA analysis assessments of cell death (left) or DNA damage and repair associated gene sets (TP53, right) (PPBC n = 9, NPBC n = 7). e Flow diagram outlining computational steps and results for prediction of the presence of wildtype (WT) or mutant (MUT) TP53 genes in PPBC (n = 9) and NPBC (n = 7) cohorts utilizing RNA Seq expression data (left), and P53 protein expression (brown color) assessed by IHC (PPBC = 15, NPBC = 15), with P53 signal reported as percent positive area (right). Data are presented as mean values ±SEM and p value assessed by students’ unpaired two-tailed t test with Welch correction. International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) identified TP53 mutations are noted by orange-filled circles. For GSEA plots, p values and normalized enrichment score (NES) were determined by GSEA software103 comparing PPBC (red, n = 9) and NPBC (blue, n = 7) biologically independent samples as described in Fig. 1 and 2.