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. 2021 Oct 21;12:747541. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.747541



A SynCom containing beneficial microbes induces a physiological response against DS in three commercial maize hybrids. (A) Plants kept in SDS for 29 days (79 DAS) had their leaves rolled inward, and older leaves fell for all hybrids, regardless of whether they were inoculated. (B) P3707VYH was the less tolerant hybrid in the absence of SynCom, completely bent after 31 days of SDS (81 DAS), in contrast to the inoculated hybrid (white arrow). (C) Uninoculated DKB177 and SX7341 were completely bent (83 DAS), as shown by the white arrows. In the presence of SynCom, plants were maintained in a straight position (DKB177) and partially or completely bent (SX7341 and P3707VYH, respectively), as shown by the black arrows. (D) Inoculated plants (SX7341 and particularly P3707VYH) straightened 2 days after rewatering (86 DAS; black arrows), while uninoculated plants were not capable of completely recovering their structure (white arrows). Detailed results are shown in Supplementary Figure 3 and Supplementary Movie 1. WW, well watering; DS, drought stress; DAS, days after sowing; SDS, severe drought stress.