Walking reshapes gut microbiota configuration following radiation challenge. The gut bacterial composition structures in male mice of TAI (radiation alone) and TAI + W (walking after radiation) groups were measured by 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing at 16 days following TAI exposure, n = 7 (TAI group) or n = 8 (TAI + W groups). The gut metabolite composition was detected by untargeted metabolomics at 16 days following TAI exposure, n = 6 (TAI group) or n = 6 (TAI + W groups). (A–C) Alpha diversity was measured: (A) the observed species number, (B) Chao1 diversity index, and (C) Shannon diversity index. (D) The beta diversity of intestinal bacteria was compared by weighted t-test analysis. (E,F) PCoA (weighted) and NMDS were performed to assess the alteration of gut bacteria taxonomic profile from male mice in two groups. (G) The relative abundances of the top 10 varied strain bacteria at the genus level in male mice of two groups. (H) The abundance of Akkermansia in male mice of two groups. (I) The PLSDA score of positive metabolites in feces in the two groups. (J) The volcano diagram of positive metabolites in feces. (A–C) Significant differences are indicated: Wilcoxon rank sum test. (D,H) Significant differences are indicated: *p < 0.05 by Student’s t-test between two cohorts. TAI, total abdominal irradiation; W, walking; PCoA, principal coordinates analysis; NMDS, non-metric multidimensional scaling; PLSDA, partial least-squares discriminant analysis.