Figure 2.
Young post-pubertal men and women have an altered serum lipid profile driven by hormones. Metabolites were measured in serum by Nightingale Metabolomics (Table S1)
(A–D) Volcano plots displaying fold change of all metabolites and Log10 p values from multiple unpaired t tests comparing (A) pre-pubertal boys and girls (n = 10 and 10), (B) young post-pubertal cis-men and cis-women (n = 15 and 17) (Table SD1), (C) young transgender individuals undergoing cross-sex-hormone treatment with estradiol, trans-woman (n = 25) and young post-pubertal cis-men (assigned male at birth, n = 15) (Table SD2) (D) young transgender individuals undergoing cross-sex-hormone treatment with testosterone, trans-men (n = 26) (Table SD3), and post-pubertal cis-women (assigned female at birth, n = 17). Bottom y axis line, p = 0.05; top y axis line, adjusted p value threshold following 6% false discovery rate (FDR) adjustment for multiple comparisons (Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli approach). Colored dots represent different metabolite groups.
Abbreviations: VL/I/L/HDL, very low/intermediate/low/high-density lipoproteins; Apo, apolipoprotein.