Figure 5. PhNTs enable the intercellular transfer of cytoplasmic and membrane reporters and, rarely, organelles, in culture.
AFlow cytometry analysis of cGFP and cDsRed following co‐culture of Nrl.Gfp and DsRed cells (1:1) and analysed at 3 DIC (N = 3 independent co‐cultures with a technical triplicate), 7 DIC (N = 5), 21 DIC (N = 4); one‐way ANOVA non‐parametric, Kruskal–Wallis.
BFlow cytometry analysis of DiI/DiO dual labelling of CD73+ cells following co‐culture of DiI‐ and DiO‐labelled photoreceptors (1:1) with pharmacological interventions applied at 5 DIC for 48 h, including vehicle control (DMSO), cytochalasin D (2 μM) and Latrunculin B (5 μM), after wash‐off of Cyto D and LatrB, and a final wash control for DiI/DiO carry over; N = 4 independent co‐cultures per condition; one‐way ANOVA non‐parametric, F‐test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov.
CRepresentative MIP of DiI/DiO co‐cultures after fixation, showing DiO+ve cell (A) and a DiI+ve cell (B) cell connected by a PhNT. Note DiI and DiO puncta in the respective acceptor cells. Blue = Dapi (nuclei), Green = DiO, Red = DiI. Scale bar = 5 µm.
DLysosomes can be exchanged, rarely, between PhNT‐connected cells. Lysosomes were labelled with SiR‐Lyso, and their movements were analysed by TrackMate software. Images show deconvolution of 3D reconstructions of lysosomes (surface; red) and cGFP (volume; green) from time‐lapse live imaging series of Nrl.Gfp+/+ photoreceptor cultures (green); the position of a transferred lysosome is marked as1 (t = 0), 2 (t = 3’), 3 (t = 6’), 4 (t = 9’); N.B. Deconvolution shows a segment‐like process extending from cell “A” and a PhNT connecting cells “A” and “B”; Scale bar = 2 µm.
EMitochondria can be exchanged, rarely, between PhNT‐connected cells. Mitochondria movements determined by TrackMate software. Images show deconvolution of 3D reconstructions of mitochondria (surface; red) and cGFP(volume; green) from time‐lapse live imaging series; position of transferred mitochondrion is marked as 1 (t = 0), 2 (t = 6’), 3 (t = 12’), 4 (t = 18’); Mitochondria labelled with mito‐Tracker‐Orange; Scale bar = 5 µm.
Data information: Graphs show mean ± SD.